Wednesday, April 5, 2017

James Harrison PGCPS Water Fountain Had 5000 ppb lead in water!

In 2008 a water fountain in Classroom 13 James Harrison had a lead level of 5000 ppb.
Were parents informed?
According to the information I have been sent, parents were NOT informed about these lead levels at that time. Why not?

This is an outrageous level of lead. One drink could cause irreparable harm to a child's developing brain. If I am reading this test correctly, - this is 5000 times what is safe!!!!

These children may have learning disabilities, ADHD symptoms and other health and psychological problems from drinking this watering parents are unaware of this lead exposure.

This testing was done in 2008 and the school district attempted to remediate the situation but water sources are still turned OFF at this school according to letters sent to me by PGCPS.


Was testing done after the 2008 tubing replacements?
Testing was again done for some fountains in 2010 and still found high lead. However what about the other water fountains? Why were they not tested?
See below:

Testing was later done in July 2011 and this testing found high levels of lead.
Why weren't all the water sources fixed?
Why was there still lead found after tubing was replaced?
was the water turned off whenever these lead levels were found?
Why weren't all water sources tested?

According to information I have been sent, the following taps are turned off at James Harrison 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 22, 23- all permanently valved off. However what about the other fountains that tested for lead such as fountain 16. What was that fountain left on and when has it last been tested? What about the teachers lounge? Could they be using this water for coffee?

Read more by clicking on these links
The Whole Story: What I Found Out About Lead In The Water Fountains of Prince George’s County Schools
Letter to Dr. Maxwell about the Lead in Water in PGCPS March, 30, 2017
Letter To Dr. Maxwell about the need for informing parents and lowering lead limit March 31, 2017
See the Lead Testing for PGCPS Schools 2009-2016

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