Friday, May 5, 2017

New Air Quality Test Released: District Heights Classrooms Have High Carbon Dioxide Levels

PGCPS release d a second air quality report on District Heights Elementry where children and staff were getting sick. 

Findings Include:
1. Carbon Dioxide levels are too HIGH above 1000 ! in four District Heights classrooms Classroom 2, Classroom 5, Classroom 7, Classroom M19. 

Carbon Dioxide levels are above 900 in Classroom 1, Classroom PreK Classroom 2, Classroom 11, Classroom 13, Classroom 15, Classroom 10. 

Contrary to PGCPS conclusions, Carbon Dioxide levels over 900ppm are too high and unhealthy.  Research shows that high levels of carbon dioxide effects brain function, attention, memory and concentration.  A Harvard School of Public Health study found that high CO2 levels -in the 1,000 parts per million concentration like in District Heights classrooms have a direct and negative impact on human cognition and decision-making. They found that, on average, a typical participant’s cognitive scores dropped 21 percent with a 400 ppm increase in CO2. 

"Our findings show impacts above the 95th percentile of CO2 (945 ppm) "
" Evidence mounts for CO2 as a direct pollutant, not just a marker for other pollutants (Satish et al. 2012). We found statistically significant declines in cognitive function scores when CO2 concentrations were increased to levels that are common in indoor spaces (approximately 950 ppm). 
Read the study here. 

Research shows inadequate classroom ventilation, as evidenced by CO2 concentration exceeding 1000 ppm is  associated with reduced school attendance. Read the study here. 

Research Cited

Harvard Study Associations of Cognitive Function Scores with Carbon Dioxide, Ventilation, and Volatile Organic Compound Exposures in Office Workers

Classroom carbon dioxide concentration, school attendance, and educational attainment.

Unfortunately no law is broken with the levels as regulations always take decades catch up with best available science. 

Read the Report Here 

We posted on this issue last week.
Read the First Report released from the initial testing that also found high carbon dioxide here 

See the protest by parents and citizens here.

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