Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Springhill Lake, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Berwyn Heights and Dora Kennedy: High Lead in The Water of PGCPS Schools

Do NOT  Drink The Water Unless The Number Is at 0.
Recent tests of the water in PGCPS schools show dangerously high lead levels in Prince George's County School Water. Anything over 1 means there is lead in the water.

There is no safe level of lead. PGCPS is making a huge mistake in stating that their limit for lead in water is 10 ppb. We have no idea how or why they came up with this. The only safe lead level is zero.

As you can see from these tests from Springhill Lake, Eleanor Roosevelt High School,  Berwyn Heights and Dora Kennedy there is lead in the water. 

See the water quality tests here
Springhill Lake, Eleanor Roosevelt High School Berwyn Heights and Dora Kennedy Lead in PGCPS Schools by Safe Tech For Schools on Scribd
See the November Water tests posted by the county here

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

WJLA Airs Investigatie Report on Lead in PGCPS School Water Fountains

Watch Scott Taylor of WJLA report on lead in water contamination at PGCPS and other Montgomery County Schools.
What can parents do?
1. Call for 0 ppt as the allowable lead limit in schools.
2. Call for the county to prioritize this issue and get expert help on how to address this problem.
3. Inform the parents. Stop making it seem like the county is ensuring safe water when they are not.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Night at 11:00 WLJA News Report on Lead in PGCPS Water Fountains

Monday Night at 11:00 WLJA News Report on Lead in PGCPS Water Fountains 

I am thankful to share that on Monday night WJLA with Investigative Reporter Scott Taylor will run a major report on the lead contamination in PG County School water fountains. 

So far the county has failed to adequately address the issue. They are still allowing unsafe levels of lead in the water. They have NOT informed parents or staff of the serious issue at hand and are minimizing the situation. They are presenting information that makes it seem like they are addressing it when in reality they are NOT dealing with the lead levels. 

What Level of Lead is SAFE in Classroom Water Fountains? Prince George's County Public Schools and the EPA Differ

Prince George's County Water is Not Safe.
Q: What do our health agencies say about what a safe level of lead is in our water?

A: The EPA, the American Academy of Pediatrics  and the CDC  state there is no safe level and 0 ppb is the health standard. This means only 0 ppt is safe. However current regulations do not enforce this health based standard. Instead the only law we have states that schools need to be under 20 ppt and water to homes needs to be 15ppb  and under . These 25 year old regulations do  not ensure safety for our school children.

0 ppb: EPA Health Limit- Maximum Contaminant Level Goal- A Health Standard- for Lead in Water Limit
Read it here EPA DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES TABLE https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-09/documents/dwstandards2012.pdf

below 1 ppb: American Academy of Pediatrics Recommends below  1 ppb for Schools.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Report on prevention of Lead Toxicity states "state and local governments should take steps to ensure water fountains in schools do not exceed water lead concentrations of 1ppb." Please download the AAP report by clicking here

0.2 ppt  California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (COEHHA)
The COEHHA revised the state's public health goal for drinking water to 0.2 parts per billion, a fraction of the threshold established by the EPA. "A revised Public Health Goal (PHG) of 0.2 ppb (or 0.2 µg/L) for lead in drinking water is established, on the basis of new studies relating neurobehavioral deficits to lower lead concentrations in the blood than previously reported."
Read it here https://oehha.ca.gov/media/downloads/water/chemicals/phg/leadfinalphg042409_0.pdf

20-5000 ppb: Prince George’s County Fountains were turned off 2009- 2011 with these lead levels.

20 ppb: EPA Recommends School Water Fountains Be Taken Out of Service at this level.
Read it here
EPA: 3Ts for Reducing Lead in in Schools

15-20 ppb: Prince George’s County Public Schools considers this “safe. ”
PGCPS has not been clear if they turned off fountains at 15 or 20 ppb but fountains with levels under 15 remained on.
  • In a 2016 letter PGCPS wrote   stating that they were using the EPA action level of 15 ppb. In yet another letter they wrote stating they were using the action letter of 20 ppb. I have that detailed in full here.  So we do not know which lead contaminant action level they  been using for the last half decade? 15 or 20 ppb? In the most recent 2017 statement they wrote that in 2004  “2,516 (approximately 90%) found to be at or above the 20 parts per billion (ppb) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) action level” and that “through follow-up quality control sampling, 87 fixtures were immediately remediated, retested and cleared for use” . The statement also states that in 2009 “5,238 (approximately 30%) found to be at or above the 20 ppb EPA action level and “Exempt fixtures, including hose bibs, lavatory faucets and custodial utility sinks, were removed from the total number of fixtures that tested above action level.” and “Fixtures that tested above EPA-recommended levels were taken out of service”. So it seems like the action level used by PGCPS was in fact- 20 ppb.

15 ppb: EPA 1991  Lead in Water Limit set over 25 years ago in 1991 for corrosion control- NOT a health standard. Read it here https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?Dockey=P10058C5.txt

10 ppb: Prince George’s County Public Schools will ensure all new school construction is below this level in 2017 statement.
  • The PGCPS water quality page states that “During the construction of new schools, the water will be tested at the property line and from all drinking water sources. Any water that tests above 10 parts per billion (ppb) will be remediated.

5 ppb: FDA limit for amount of lead allowed in bottled water.

Washington DC Public Schools Lead in Water Limit Read Washington Post article on DC Schools here. http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/news/article/20782859/dc-tested-public-schools-water-for-lead-more-than-60-had-high-levels

1 ppb: American Academy of Pediatrics Recommends below  1 ppb for Schools.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Report on prevention of Lead Toxicity states "state and local governments should take steps to ensure water fountains in schools do not exceed water lead concentrations of 1ppb." Please download the AAP report by clicking here

0 ppb: EPA  Maximum Contaminant Level Goal- A Health Standard- for Lead in Water Limit
Read it here EPA DRINKING WATER STANDARDS AND HEALTH ADVISORIES TABLE https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-09/documents/dwstandards2012.pdf

“Exposure to even low levels of lead can cause low IQ, hearing impairment, reduced attention span, and poor classroom performance.”

Read it here https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?Dockey=P10058C5.txt

 CDC reiterates the key message from the 2004 article: because no safe blood level has been identified for young children, all sources of lead exposure for children should be controlled or eliminated.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

PGCPS Letter To Parents and Staff on Sept 21, 2017 Misinforms About Lead In Water Contamination

PGCPS sent out the following letter to staff last week. Read it below this post or link here. 

1. Sinks in bathrooms will have signs telling students and staff not to drink the water. 
2. The County is understanding that the community is aware that there are unsafe lead levels in the water and that children and staff have been drinking this water. 

1. The information glosses over the fact that the water instill contaminated with lead and children have been exposed to unsafe levels. 
2. The County still refuses to adequately address the lead contamination by setting a safe level in the water. They still allow 10 ppb lead in the water. They SHOULD be allowing only 0 ppb of lead in the water. No amount of lead is safe for children. Read about safe water levels here. 

1. The county is posting what one could argue is false information. 

  • Misleading Statement: The County states "Sources have been turned off as a precautionary measure when major concerns arose over the quality of drinking water."  This is an inaccurate way of describing the situation and avoids the fact that sources were turned off because high lead levels were found.  Sources were turned off because lead in excess of EPA regulations was found. See the documentation of high lead levels on this page with all the lead testing information. 
  • Misleading Statement: PGCPS sent out a press release entitled, " PGCPS Continues Testing to Ensure Safe Drinking Water in All Schools and Offices" This could be considered false. There are no assurances of safe drinking water. Safe drinking water is not ensures. The headline should read "PGCPS Continues Testing of Drinking Water in All Schools and Offices And Has Found Lead Contamination: Many Water Sources Remain Untested And Could Be Lead Contaminated. Parents Should Get Children Lead Tested" 
  • Inadequate Signage: The signs are really not adequate and could be done in a way that reaches the students like a cartoon image with an x over a person drinking the water. Kindergarteners do not read. The ALL CAPS is not the best way to to relay the information. More thought and creativity needs to go into these important signs. 

When will Prince George's County be honest with the students, staff and parents ? 
  1. When the County inform the PGCPS community that many sources which have been on for years are lead contaminated and were only recently tested? Children have been drinking lead contaminated water for years. 
  2. When the County inform the PGCPS community that many sources which are still on are lead contaminated? They have not been tested yet at the county is leaving them on. PGCPS is currently allowing children to drink lead contaminated water because these sources are not yet tested. 
  3. When the County inform the PGCPS community that they have set an "allowable lead in water limit" of 10 ppb based on no science whatsoever?  PGCPS should informing the  community that the EPA has a health standard for lead which is below 0 ppb. PGCPS should informing the  community that the American Academy of Pediatrics has a health recommendation for lead which is  0 ppb. PGCPS allows 10 ppb of lead in water, ten times the safe health level by the EPA and American Academy of Pediatrics. (Read more here) 
See what was sent to students and staff here. The link shows the PDF but I could not download it. See screensaves below. 

    Monday, July 24, 2017

    John Hanson Montessori PTSA Tells PGCPS That Not Informing Parents About Lead Levels is "Negligent"

    Breaking: The PTSA of  John Hanson Montessori has written PGCPS Schools about the lead contaminated water calling for answers. 

    The PTSA asks why the county’s school system has set a level of 10 ppb to be deemed safe for consumption when the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that drinking fountains should have 0 ppb and water sources that test at 1 ppb or higher should be remediated. 

    The letter states, "We have students as young as 3 years- old who attend our school."

    "The AAP states infants to 6 year olds are the most vulnerable for adverse health effects due to lead toxicity. What is most concerning is that in 2010 the PTSA Executive Board requested water testing at the John Hanson facility, which the school system outsourced to Global Consulting Inc. According to the November 1st, 2010 report, only two out of the 10 water sources tested contained lead , which were 1 ppb and 2.9 ppb. Please explain how the number of water sources containing lead has quadrupled in less than seven years. As a parent body, we find it egregious that routine water testing is not conducted in a facility that was built in 1956." 

    "Furthermore, not informing parents about the increased number of water sources containing lead at John Hanson Montessori is negligent."  

    They also call out what seems to be an inaccurate statement by the County because a PGCPS letter stated that John Hanson Montessori was "on bottled water." However this is not what parents report at the school. 

    "The school system has never provided bottled water for the student body and communication has never been relayed to the families of the estimated 500 students that our children should drink bottled water only. In fact, the PTSA Executive Board has a letter from 2010 from the school system, after concerns were raised because brown water was coming from drinking fountains, that the water is safe." 

    They ask for a "step by step remediation plan prior to the school year commencing" 
    They state they will  "direct the parents of the John Hanson Montessori community to have their children’s blood tested for elevated lead levels especially those who have been attending since 2009."

    Wednesday, June 28, 2017

    DC Government uses Lead limit of 1 ppb. Why is PGCPS using a limit of 10 ppb?

    PGCPS uses a lead limit of 10 ppb in the water. See below a press release from DC  which uses a limit of 1 ppb. Why is PGCPS using lead limit 10 times higher? 

    District Government Adopts New Lead Testing Policy

    Tuesday, June 21, 2016
    District agencies will support newly released American Academy of Pediatrics action threshold 
    (Washington, DC) – Today, Deputy City Administrator Kevin Donahue announced that the Department of General Services will move to incorporate a 1 PPB (part-per-billion) action level for lead tests on drinking water sources in District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) and Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) centers. The effort comes on the heels of last week’s report by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity, that lead testing resulting in a reading of more than 1 PPB should be immediately remediated.  
    “Lead exposure in children is preventable, and we will be working diligently to set policy at our facilities that goes far beyond EPA standards,” said Kevin Donahue, Deputy City Administrator. “By investing the time, training, and resources to follow the new recommendations outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics, we will ensure that the District continues to do everything it can to protect our children, and limit students’ exposure to lead.”
    Under the current operating policy, drinking water sources in District public schools and recreation centers testing at or above 15 PPB are fitted with a filter or taken out of operation. The sources are returned to operation once follow-up testing yields a clean reading. Following recent findings of lead in water at a small number of schools, District officials completed testing of all water sources at every single District of Columbia Public School and recreation center, per the direction of Mayor Muriel Bowser. This newly implemented policy will bring a more rigorous approach to the testing. 
    The new policy is estimated to cost the District nearly $2 million at the onset, which includes the installation of filters on all drinking water sources at public schools, public libraries, and recreation centers. Implementation is expected to be completed this calendar year. The District will also work with District of Columbia Public Charter Schools and District of Columbia Public Libraries to install filters on drinking water sources. The expected annual cost of $1.5 million will support regular testing, maintenance, and supplies for District of Columbia Public Schools and recreation centers.
    This policy is slated to be included in Deputy City Administrator Donahue’s testimony before the Council of the District of Columbia’s Committees on Education and Transportation and the Environment on Wednesday, June 22. For more information on lead testing and exposure in the District visit

    Friday, June 23, 2017

    Lead Tests For PGCPS & Key Documents Concerning Lead in PGCPS Water

    Lead in Water Test Results from Prince George’s County Schools !!! Updated PGCPS Lead Test Results Dated October 2017

    Lead Test Results Dated September 2017 PGCPS has a "Water Quality" page that has updates now with tests thanks to our blog and parents like you calling for transparency. http://www.pgcps.org/water-quality-program/

    However- safety is not assured, because PGCPS is not adequate addressing this issue a still is allowing lead in the water.

    2011 -2012 PGCPS Lead Level testing
    PGCPS Lead Testing Done in 2014  
    Key Documents
    September 7, 2016: PGCPS Response to my question about remediation and their attached Document entitled Lead in Water Program PGCPS

    ALERT: Spring PGCPS Water Testing Shows High Lead Levels in DOZENS of Schools

    unless you have confirmation it is lead free.
    Talk to your child's doctor about getting a lead test done now. 
    Recent Testing has found high levels of lead in PGCPS schools. 

    We were just sent PGCPS lead water testing results from water testing done over the last few months after we filed a public information request. The test data we were sent confirms the fact that children and staff have been drinking water with lead levels that exceed EPA limits in many many schools. 

    Why didn't PGCPS take action last year, when this issue came to light and parents began writing the county? Why did they wait? What aren't parents notified about this?

    Please see the water testing results by clicking here. 
    Read the letter that PGCPS sent me concerning these test levels.

    Note, In their cover letter, PGCPS stated that some of these schools were on bottled water since 2009. This is noted with an asterix. We are not entirely sure this is the case because the bathroom sinks are still on and as far as we know there are not signs stating the water is for washing only.

    Fort Washington forest *
    Apple Grove Elementary,
    Bond Mill Elementary*
    C E Regional school,
    Capitol Heights Elementary*
    Chapel Forge,

    Frances Fuchs (PGCPS wrote me that this school was on bottled water since 2009)
    Gaywood Elementary*,
    Glassmaker Elementary,
    Heather Hills *
    Issac J Gourdine Middle *
    Frank Dent Elementary,
    James Duckworth Elementary,
    Jessie B Mason*
    John Howard Elementary*
    Margaret Brent Regional*
    Maya Angelou French Immersion, 
    Montpelier Elementary *
    Oxen Hill Elementary*
    Riverdale Elementary,
    Rock ledge High,
    Samuel Chase Elementary,

    Tall Oaks Vocational*

    These schools have lead levels, however the county is NOT remediating them  because of their inadequate and outdated limits which still allow lead levels into the water. 
    Judith Hoyer Early Childhood, Exel Academy*
    John Hanson Montessori*
    As the water was previously turned off we are not sure of now the water is back on?
    Cool Springs Elementary and Deerfieldrun Elementay * had levels under 3 

    Tests done but lead levels missing from the documents
    Pointer Ridge, Potomac High, Robert Godard Elementary , Woodmore Elementary, Dora Kennedy French Immersion

    See an example below of lead testing levels found at Maya Angelou French Immersion.

    These schools are not the only schools that have lead contaminated water., they are simply the only schools PGCPS has recently tested.  See past lead testing at this link.

    Fact: Dozens of other schools have high lead levels that the County HAS NOT addressed adequately. Testing has not been done in years for most PGCPS schools. See past test reports here. 

    How do I read these results? 
    After the school name you follow the row to the end where there are two columns of numbers, the first number is the lead level when the water was first tried on. The second number is the second water draw after the water ran for a bit. The number is in ppb meaning parts per billion. 

    What is a high level? 
    The EPA health standard is 0 ppb. Therefore anything over 0 is not safe. HOWEVER PGCPS is using a limit of 10 ppb  , meaning they are allowing up to 10 ppb in their water.

    The PGCPS allowable lead level of 10 ppb is NOT safe. 

    We do not know how they came up with such a number, Washington DC public schools only allows a lead level of up to 1 ppb.  Read more about lead limits and safety standards here. 

    What can I do? 
    Contact the county and ask for immediate action. Tell the there is no safe level of lead and they need to immediately act to do the following:
    1. PGPCS should set the allowable lead limits to 0ppb.
    2. PGCPS should provide unlimited accessible bottled water to all children while fixing the problem.
    3. PGCPS should remediate all water sources to 0.
    4. Ensure that signs are up in bathrooms and at every water source that has lead contamination so children know not to cup hands and drink water from any faucets which have lead levels above 0.
    5. No water source should be used for drinking or food preparation UNLESS a current test shows there is is 0 lead. At this point we must assume all water is lead contaminated until documentation of safety is shown by a current 2017 test.
    6.Go to your pediatrician and share the lead tests results from your child's school and get your child tested for lead levels if they have been drinking lead contaminated water.
    7. Write your Councilperson, Board member and elected officials asking for immediate action and cc us at leadinpgcpswaterfountains@gmail.com