Monday, March 27, 2017

Lead in Children's Classroom Water Fountains 2011-2012 PGCPS Lead in Water Tests for Schools

Hundreds of Pages of Lead Water Tests Were Released on Prince George's County Schools. However it is hard to find our own children's schools in all of these papers. Therefore, we will take time to go through each list and find the page where each schools tests are so parents can find the lead levels in their child's school.

Here are the findings from lead tests done in 2010 and 2011. We have listed the name of the school and the page you can find the lead tests.

Click on this link for the document. 2011 -2012 PGCPS Lead Level testing.

2011-2012 Lead Tests and Schools
We have put some screen saves showing you examples from the testing. 

Challenger Campus page 4
Barnaby Manor elementary school Page 5 lead in water, although lower than EPA- these should be checked. 
Hillcrest Heights elementary school Page 8
Overlook elementary school Page 9 78 PPB on page 10 with the library sink
Samuel Chase elementary school Page 11 290 ppb in the library sink and several others which are very high on page 13
Skyline elementary school Page 14 with low levels except for the water fountain which is 3.6 PPB and only five samples were taken that I can see on that specific test on page 15
Ardmore page 18- 
Arrowhead page 22 had several high lead levels 
Beacon Heights page 26 with several high blood levels
Beltsville CR page 31 with several high lead levels

Benjamin Foulis Page 37 had several high lead levels
Bond mills elementary school had low levels except for one class from sink at 3.7 ppb and only eight samples were taken
Capitol Heights elementary Page 43 only two samples were taken that I see and both were very high
Carmody Hills had one sample taken which was low on page 45
Carrollton had several samples taken and all were below 15 but had varying degrees of lead for example one fountain was 14 ppb another one was 12 PPB 9.1 PPP that's on page 48  also on page 50 you can see that the library office sink is at 58
Cherokee Lane had several high lead levels on page 54
Concord elementary school had some low levels and some very high levels on page 60
Copper Lane had a number of 200 in a fountain with the testing data of 2011 and other degrees of light in the water on page 62
Cora Rice in the guidance office water fountain had a number of 10 ppb on page 64
District Heights has lead levels in the water on page 69
Dodge Park had lead levels in the water but none were past 15 although one was at 15 which is the counselors fountain I never saw him that were almost 10 which were water fountains on page 73
Dawes will Brooks had several lead levels which were very high on page 76
Francis Scott Key only three levels were taken on page 77 which were low
Gaywood had High lead levels but only four levels were taken on page 79
Glenn Arden Woods has lead levels in the water but none reach the 15 and this is on page 80
Greenbelt: Page 84 one Greenbelt sink at a low level
Heather Hills had several fountains with high lead levels on page 87
Hollywood elementary school had several water sources with high levels on page 90

James Harrison Page 93 shows several high levels 
James mcHenry on page 96 shows several water sources  with high levels
John Carroll on page 98 shows several with high level levels
John Bayne on page 100 shows severalwith high-level 
Judge Woods  three tests done on page 104 with no lead levels
Kenilworth shows sinks with high level levels on page 107
Kettering elementary school shows sinks with high level levels on page 109
Kingsford library shows some sinks with low level and some with lead levels although none reached the EPA threshold not all the sinks have been tested and considering there are some at 7.6 it's quite possible that other  had high levels this is on page 112
Lake Arbor has four tests done with low levels on page 115
Lamont elementary school on page 117 has very very high lead levels and fountains and only a few sources have been done. What about the other water sources? 

Langley Park McCormick on page 121 shows several water fountains with high lead levels
Longfield shows only four tests done on page 125 and they also lead in the water of though they do not reach the EPA threshold I am concerned that water was flushed and that there're other water sources yet untested that could have led levels in them
Mattaponi  shows High lead levels on page 129
Millwood shows high lead levels on page 134
North Forest Ville shows high lead levels on page 138
Oak crest shows high lead levels on page 142
Paint branch shows high lead levels on page 146
Perry Wood  shows low blood levels on page 150
Phyllis Williams shows high lead levels on page 152
Pointer Ridge shows a library sink with 2000 PPP on page 154 and other  levels in the water on that page

Port town shows low levels on page 158
Robert Frost shows lead in the water on page 163 although none reach the EPA threshold the numbers went up to 10
Samuel Ogle  showed lead pg 167
Samuel Massey on page 169 showed a low level level of just one test done. What about others? 
Seabrook showed a lead level of 6.4 but only two tests were done on page 171
Seat Pleasant showed high lead levels on page 174
Spring Hill Lakes showed high lead levels on page 177
Thomas Clagett on page 180 showed various amounts of lead in the water on page 180
Tulip Grove showed high evels on page 183
William Beans showed levels of lead in the water on page 186 although none reached EPA significance only a few water sources were tested so what about the other sources? 
William Pace  showed High evels on page 190
Woodbridge showed high-level levels on page 193
Woodmoore showed levels of lead in the water on page 195 but only two sources are on this testing sheet which is a concern because there are more water sources and numbers like these mean they should've been retesting done. 

Please note this list is only information from the document found here.
  2011 -2012 PGCPS Lead Level testing
There are hundreds more pages we will go though for you so you can know what the klead tests showed at your child's school.
Please email us at with questions and to connect. 

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