Monday, July 24, 2017

John Hanson Montessori PTSA Tells PGCPS That Not Informing Parents About Lead Levels is "Negligent"

Breaking: The PTSA of  John Hanson Montessori has written PGCPS Schools about the lead contaminated water calling for answers. 

The PTSA asks why the county’s school system has set a level of 10 ppb to be deemed safe for consumption when the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that drinking fountains should have 0 ppb and water sources that test at 1 ppb or higher should be remediated. 

The letter states, "We have students as young as 3 years- old who attend our school."

"The AAP states infants to 6 year olds are the most vulnerable for adverse health effects due to lead toxicity. What is most concerning is that in 2010 the PTSA Executive Board requested water testing at the John Hanson facility, which the school system outsourced to Global Consulting Inc. According to the November 1st, 2010 report, only two out of the 10 water sources tested contained lead , which were 1 ppb and 2.9 ppb. Please explain how the number of water sources containing lead has quadrupled in less than seven years. As a parent body, we find it egregious that routine water testing is not conducted in a facility that was built in 1956." 

"Furthermore, not informing parents about the increased number of water sources containing lead at John Hanson Montessori is negligent."  

They also call out what seems to be an inaccurate statement by the County because a PGCPS letter stated that John Hanson Montessori was "on bottled water." However this is not what parents report at the school. 

"The school system has never provided bottled water for the student body and communication has never been relayed to the families of the estimated 500 students that our children should drink bottled water only. In fact, the PTSA Executive Board has a letter from 2010 from the school system, after concerns were raised because brown water was coming from drinking fountains, that the water is safe." 

They ask for a "step by step remediation plan prior to the school year commencing" 
They state they will  "direct the parents of the John Hanson Montessori community to have their children’s blood tested for elevated lead levels especially those who have been attending since 2009."