Friday, August 17, 2018

PGCPS Water Testing Finds Dozens of PGCPS Water Lines Lead Contaminated

 PGCPS sent a list of lead testing and water faucet shut offs but forgot to include the prior testing (from 2004 to 2016) that documented these faucets were contaminated far earlier than 2017.


"I have attached a copy of the internal list of fountains shut off in PGCPS schools.  Please be advised that this document was initially developed to record information related to lead in water, but it is not publicly posted because it has not been not updated regularly or triple-checked for accuracy.  
The state's action level for remediation of drinking sources is set at 20 parts per billion.  However, PGCPS will continue to remediate drinking sources to be lower than 10 parts per billion and expand the information we maintain and report in compliance with recent State legislation and changes to State regulations.
Thank you, Demetria Tobias" 
See the full document here